How long does it take to recover from laser eye surgery?

The recovery time varies from one laser eye surgery to another eye surgery. In fact, among all the laser eye surgeries, LASIK is the most common and familiar to...

Is lasik safe long term?

Yes, LASIK is safe in long term and it depends on the total success of the surgery. The overall success of the surgery is influenced by multiple factors. When a...

What is the maximum eye power for lasik?

LASIK laser eye surgery can be performed on most of the eye patients suffering from refractive error, however, there are certain specific criteria, which need t...

Is lasik surgery painful?

When the sound of the word surgery hits the ear, it visualizes poking the body surface with the needles, splitting the blood. But don’t worry the truth with the...

What age is good for lasik?

Age is very important factor for any human being as it marks plenty of milestones, such as working, voting, retiring, driving and many more. However, there is n...

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