The period of healing after the Lasik or any kind of surgery is the recovery time. The advantage of the Lasik is less recovery time, as many Lasik patients report that they started feeling normal with the vision, right on the next day or the day after. Some of the patients also experienced improved vision, right after the Lasik. However, one has to understand that patients, who prefer to undergo the surgery, with higher prescriptions usually experience noticeable improvement faster compared to the patients, with lower levels of prescriptions. However, immediate improvement in the vision also takes minimum of 6 to 8 hours after the procedure.
Short Term or Immediate Recovery
Each of the Lasik surgeon establishes and follows one’s own protocol for Lasik recovery on the basis of what works well and give best results. Most likely yoru surgeon gives protective eye shields or sunglasses for protection of the eyes. Youneed to wear them, during sleep and this must be habituated and followed for at least one week, after the surgery. Some of the surgeons leave you immediately after the surgery and some of them prefer you to stay for at least 15 to 20 minutes and then go. And the patient needs to make own arrangements of transportation or get family member or family to drive you home and stay helpful, during transportation. Do not prefer to drive yourself as it is not advisable.
After the numbing drops are worn off in 20 to 30 minutes, mild itching or burning sensation may be felt. As a thumb rule, never attempt to rub the eyes in entire short term and long term recovery periods. The eyes can be watery during the first 8 to 12 hours after the surgery and sometimes red spots may be developed or bloodshot may be appeared. These symptoms are temporary and normal. Still don’t rub your eyes and don’t worry, unless these symptoms are severe.
Long Term Recovery
When the long term recovery is considered, it is about managing the day to day activities and work life, while taking special care of the eyes. Most commonly surgeons suggest you to resume to work after a day or two of the surgery, except in the cases of any complications or discomforts. During this period, your surgeon may set limitations to you to for swimming, workouts and wearing the eye makeup. For many months, contact sports, whirlpools, hot tubs must be avoided. All the post operative instructions must be followed to ensure proper healing and to enjoy total Lasik effects. In case of severe symptoms or unusual symptoms contact the doctor immediately without delay, so that there can be enough scope for reducing the complications.