Blinking is a natural process and we tend to blink from 5 to 15 times in one minute. Usually more than 99.9% of the times, it is done automatically, being unaware of the process. Blinking during Lasik is a frequently arise and common concern, before going for the Lasik surgery. But don’t worry it is not a problem. This problem is anticipated while designing the Lasik surgery and the solution has been set accordingly.
During the Procedure
Lasik procedure is performed to create the flap of the cornea and reshape the cornea. during this procedure, numbing drops are applied to the eyes, just before the actual procedure is started. These drops prevent the natural urge to blink the eyes. And there are enough arrangements are done to prevent the physical movement of the eyes and blinking. There is a small eye clip fixed over the eye that prevents the movement of blinking. So, there is nothing to worry, though one wants to blink, it would be difficult to implement. Yes, natural urge of blinking has the cause of dryness of eye and we tend to blink eyes, to moisture the eyelids and reduce dryness. That is an important concern and so the eyelids are frequently moisture for every few seconds, by applying some eye drops. So, there is no question of accidentally blinking the eyes during the procedure.
Issues of Movement of Head and Body
There are enough arrangements done to prevent sudden movements of head and body and usually that is not a serious concern. The patient is laid down comfortably on cushioned and flat surface during the surgery.
Eye Tracker
Today most lasers make use fo new and advanced feature, named as eye tracker to monitor the eye position automatically and adjust the movement of laser, by auto-adjusting itself for any involuntary or smaller movement of eye possible during the surgery. And this technology is quite important for custom Lasik procedure to perform accurate treatment with the laser.
Eye tracking enables the process of photographing the eye every second at least 1000 times and it analyses the image for the eye position determination. In case the exact position of treatment is not found, the laser would then adjusts or adjusts towards compensating the small duration of the movement. In this way the natural body movements, like coughing, jumping or sneezing also can be managed without disturbing the process of treatment through laser movement.
So, you do not need to worry about the possibility of blinking and even if the blinking happens, the movement and emitting light from the laser also will be adjusted accordingly, without damaging or disturbing the procedure. Not only that, body movements that are possible during the surgery can be managed with the same sophisticated tracking system. Just concentrate more on your preparations for the Lasik surgery, before, during and after the surgery. Thanks to technology as it makes the surgeon comfortable and patient too.