Lasik and Success
Lasik is a refractive eye surgery prominently heard in the medical industry, for better vision and healthy eyes. Usually, any candidate with normal health condition is suitable for this surgery. However, there are certain significant factors that determine the overall success of the surgery. The first factor is the age of the candidate, who goes through the surgery. Apart from the overall health condition of the candidate, age plays major role in the success of the surgery and healing of the problem.
Age Factor
Till the age of 18, the eyes would be in the stage of development. So, technically, the surgery is not attempted for the candidates, who haven’t crossed 18 years of age. It is not advised to select the candidate for the surgery, since the eyesight can be improved in the near future. Surgery can be considered for the candidates after 18 years, in case they have had 2 or more years of stable prescription. It indicates that the eyesight of the candidate has got stable and in the near future, there can be unlikely change of refractive errors. While 18 stand as the minimum limit of age, there is also approximate maximum limit of the age.
Maximum Age Limit
Usually, the risk of attempting the surgeries, especially, sensitive surgeries, like Lasik would be more for the candidate, if one crosses 40 years of age. It is because there is a fair chance of affecting by presbyopia that leaves one, hard to read small printed letters. So, the treatment for presbyopia can be more appropriate, if one suffers from the same, before going to the Lasik surgery.
So, usually, the candidates, who are in between 18 years to 40 years of age are ideally suitable for the surgery. However, this is not a hard and fast rule. The health condition of the eye and the overall health condition of the candidate can allow the surgeons to choose them for this surgery. So, technically, there is no upper age limit to conduct Lasik surgery, provided other conditions and factors stand satisfactory.