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    Chosen by Millions of Patients Worldwide!! Best Globally Performed Lasik Options, Lasik Surgery Cost

    Following Lasik Packages are the top widely performed Lasik procedures in the past 25 years with the time-tested outcomes on millions of patients globally, you can also trust them.

    Advanced Aspheric Lasik

    • Topography Guided
    • Corneal Irregularities Correction
    • Visual Axis Treatment Plan
    • Natural Aspherical Correction

    SBK Thin Flap Lasik

    • 30% Corneal Tissue Saving
    • Ultra Thin Flap (90 Micron)
    • Advanced Aspheric Benefits
    • Fast Recovery & Less Dryness

    100% Blade Free Lasik

    • 100% Laser & Blade Less
    • 30-40 % Corneal Tissue Saving
    • Advanced Aspheric Benefits
    • Fast Recovery & Less Dryness


    Intralase or Femtosecond Lasik Laser or in simple terms, Blade Free Laser creates ultra thin flap, more precisely, reliably and most safe than the Lasik procedure with blade. With Blade Free technology, Lasik surgery is much improved, since the blade of the mechanical microkeratome device is replaced with a computer guided laser, which is capable to deliver the outcome with micron-level accuracy. The newer technology, blade free technology completely eliminate the complication which sometime to develop with conventional technology for making flap. 100% Blade Free or Femtosecond Lasik refers completely robotic, touch-less flap making approach to create ultra thin 80 micron thickness flap without use of any blade


    SBK is called a thin-flap LASIK; SBK Called as “Bowman’s Keratomileusis Sub”. The conventional LASIK create a flap of 120 to 180 microns thickness, while SBK Lasik the thinner flaps are obtained of 90 microns thickness saving substantial corneal tissue. The objective OF the SBK Lasik surgery is to preserve the cornea integrity, through creation of a thin and precise flap and it offers faster, safer and better visual recovery to the Lasik undergoing patients . SBK Lasik Technology is currently the most precise, safest & reliable LASIK LASER Procedure for Glasses removal. SBK Lasik offers fast recover, less dryness and reduces the usually possible complications with Lasik.


    ReLEx SMILE has been developed for correction of refractive errors for better vision, with no need for creation of the flap, since that laser vision correction is performed with the Lasik. The procedure needs only a small incision at one side by an experienced and trained surgeon. The ReLEx SMILE eye surgery can leave the cornea anterior lamellae intact, by removing the refractive lenticule. This procedure needs no excimer laser for correction of vision. The ReLEx Small Incision Lenticule Extraction or SMILE is a new generation method of laser correction for vision, where the procedure is performed with a femtosecond laser. The procedure has shifted the correction of vision to the next level, as it offers best precision, comfort and maximum safety.


    Advanced Surface Ablation (ASA) is a highly advanced correction procedure that is precise, accurate, and ensures a great reduction in the attendant risks of eye surgeries. ASA is a 100% flap less eye laser surgery so eliminating are the related risks and problems. Since there is no flap, the surgeon can increase the safety margin for corneal thickness to 110-180 microns, thus improving the efficiency. Laser treatments can create an irregular surface causing the central corneal area to bulge. This is known as ECTASIA, and ASA reduces this risk to a great extent. Immediate or long term problems such as dry eyes are also eliminated by the Advanced Surface Ablation procedure.


    Lasik Patients Review – 97% Satisfaction Rate unparalleled in our field.

    Read below what lasik patient have to say about our lasik vision correction services.


    Lasik Laser Eye Surgery in ECOTECH II Greater Noida

    Rs 8999 per Eye – Lasik Eye Surgery Cost in ECOTECH II Greater Noida. Centre for Lasik is a free resource where you can get instant information about the best lasik eye centre in ECOTECH II Greater Noida. We are helping with our team of best lasik laser eye surgeons in ECOTECH II Greater Noida by counselling & guiding them for selecting the most safe, reliable & lowest rates for Lasik Procedure. This website is launched with an objective to create greater awareness online about Lasik Surgery in ECOTECH II Greater Noida.

    Our Lasik Laser Eye Surgeon in ECOTECH II Greater Noida has performed over thousands of Laser Vision Correction procedures & is considered the best lasik surgeon in the World. If you are looking for permanently Getting Rid of Glasses or contact lenses, then we have the right solution for you. We know you want affordable, quality care. We can avail you best Lasik Rates which have no hidden charges with great care, help, one-on-one service. Our Lasik counsellor will directly answer your queries, and we’ll walk you through a smooth Lasik Laser consultation, investigation scheduling to treatment process.

    What is the Lasik Eye Surgery Cost in ECOTECH II Greater Noida

    Lasik laser eye surgery cost in ECOTECH II Greater Noida depends on Lasik technology you choose and level of experience of Lasik surgeons. With the evolution in Lasik technologies various categories are formed to provide a better vision.

    How much the cost of Contoura Vision in ECOTECH II Greater Noida

    Are you looking for affordable Contoura Vision Lasik Surgery – The cost for Contoura Vision  in ECOTECH II Greater Noida varies from ₹ 45,000 (both Eyes) with SBK Technology to ₹ 75,000 (Both Eyes) with 100% Blade Free Technology.

    Contoura Vision Lasik in ECOTECH II Greater Noida – A Topography Guided Lasik Surgery – The Latest FDA Approved Technology For Vision Improvement And Astigmatism – Contoura Vision Lasik or Epi Contoura Vision or Epi Lasik or Relex Smile Laser vision correction. Contoura LASIK provides comprehensive details of the corneal structures covering 22,000 data points of cornea which is very useful during the highly personalized surgical procedure offering superior vision quality ever one can get from laser vision current procedure.

    World’s Latest & Best Number Correction Lasik Treatment Plans

    Which LASIK
    Surgery Technique

    Cost (INR)

    100% Bladeless

    100% Bladeless & Flapless

    Enhanced Precision

    Achieve sharp, clear vision

    Highest Safety – Zero Risk

    Pain-free Experience

    Reduced dryness after surgery

    Preserves tissue & corneal strength

    Fastest Healing

    Re-treatment – Available if needed

    Vision Correction Range

    Advanced Eye Movement Tracker

    Visual Axis Accuracy

    Fixes Corneal Irregularities

    WOW Effect – Best Vision Outcome

    Femtoecond Bladeless
    HD Contoura Vision

    Topoguided HD
    Vision Laser

    Bladeless, Flapless –
    EPI Contoura,
    EPI Lasik, Trans PRK

    Advanced Aspheric

    Cost (INR)

    Femtoecond Bladeless HD Contoura Vision Laser Topoguided HD Contoura Vision Laser Bladeless, Flapless – EPI Contoura, EPI Lasik, Trans PRK Advanced Aspheric Wavefront Lasik
    100% Bladeless
    100% Bladeless & Flapless
    Enhanced Precision
    Achieve sharp, clear vision
    Highest Safety – Zero Risk
    Pain-free Experience
    Reduced dryness after surgery
    Preserves tissue & corneal strength
    Fastest Healing
    Re-treatment – Available if needed
    Vision Correction Range
    Advanced Eye Movement Tracker
    Visual Axis Accuracy
    Fixes Corneal Irregularities
    WOW Effect – Best Vision Outcome

    Cost of LASIK

    Procedure Recovery Time Suitability (High power
    thin cornea)
    Key Benefit Price/Eye (₹)
    Standard LASIK 14 days
    Basic standard surgery for specs removal 9,999
    Custom LASIK 14 days
    Custom to Eye 14,999
    Contoura Thin Flap 7 days
    Corneal polishing and aberration removal for
    super vision.
    EPI Lasik/Trans
    PRK/EPI Contoura
    3 days
    One step procedure: Bladeless, Flapless,
    Touchless, Safest
    Femto Contoura 3 days
    Laser used to create flap 40,000
    Smile/Silk Contoura 3 days
    Laser used to create flap 40,000

    World’s Latest & Best Number Correction Lasik Treatment Plans