What are the best eye drops after lasik?

After the Lasik eye surgery, dry eye become common. As part of the Lasik surgical procedure and treatment, it is necessary that one maintains the eyes dry-free,...

Is barrage laser painful?

Barrage laser is performed to strength certain areas of retina, which are weakened or to seal retinal tears. The threat of pain is common in potential patients,...

Which type of lasik surgery is the best?

There are three vision corrective surgeries called Lasik, Lasek and PRK(Photorefractive Keratectomy) and all the three procedures attempt to reshape the cornea,...

How long do you have dry eyes after lasik?

Dry eyes are the complication resulted most commonly after the Lasik surgery, however, the condition is possible to set in control. The frequency of experiencin...

Can I use mobile after Lasik surgery?

Both the procedures of Lasik eye surgery and laser corrections have varied durations for healing. Addressing about the general recovery time for Lasik eye surge...

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