Can lasik make you go blind?

The direct answer is no practically and yes theoretically. Practically, there are no cases reported that the Lasik patient has gone blind after the Lasik proced...

What is the latest laser eye surgery technology?

When there are multiple laser eye surgery technologies available to get rid of the eye glasses, the obvious question that arises is which stands as the latest t...

Is relex smile better than lasik?

Sometimes the vision surgeries ReLEx SMILE and Lasik are bit confusing to select the one between them. There are certain differences, in terms of both procedure...

What is the best lasik surgery?

Lasik laser eye surgery is an advanced medical procedure to correct refractive error for the eyes. It allows you to improve the vision with reduced dependency o...

Is lasik safe long term?

Lasik is always safe in long term and this statement sounds very subjective, as there are various factors effecting and justifying the statement. When the facts...

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