Is Lasik permanent?

Ideally, Lasik laser eye surgery is permanent, as it reshapes the cornea permanently, towards correction of vision conditions, such as astigmatism, farsightedne...

Does lasik eye surgery last?

According to the experts, Lasik eye surgery lasts long, as it corrects the vision perception permanently. However, there is always misconception and myth in ter...

Does laser eye surgery hurt?

Laser eye surgery is performed though different technologies and procedures to correct the refractive errors of the eye and both Lasik and PRK do not hurt the e...

How long does it take to recover from lasik?

The total recovery time for the Lasik surgery is not very long and it varies from one patient to another patient. The best part is that the patients will experi...

Can you blink during lasik?

Blinking is a natural process and we tend to blink from 5 to 15 times in one minute. Usually more than 99.9% of the times, it is done automatically, being unawa...

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