Does laser eye surgery last forever?

The results and outcomes of the Lasik eye surgery continue to improve, right from the approval of the surgery, 1996. The surgery renders several benefits and im...

Can you get laser eye surgery twice?

In most of the cases, the outcomes and results of Lasik are permanent, however, it may not be the same case for 100% Lasik patients, because of various factors....

Is Laser eye surgery dangerous?

Laser eye surgery for correcting refractive errors of the eye can be performed with different techniques and procedures and no procedure is dangerous if perform...

Do you need reading glasses after lasik?

The basic cause people incline to go for the Lasik surgery is to get rid of the reading glasses and contact lens, which disturb the regular lifestyle or hinder ...

What is the maximum eye power lasik corrects?

A comprehensive eye exam is conducted to discover the existing refractive error and the eye doctor determines you have farsightedness (hyperopia), nearsightedne...

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