Lasik surgery, being popularly operated throughout the world, it has got many hopes and myths as well. Lasik surgery is one of the safest laser eyes surgeries in the world, with lesser side effects and faster recovery. Crying is one different condition with respect to the surgery and so let us see how it may influence the overall recovery.
Action of Crying
First we need to understand what is crying and how this action is associated with the eyes. When we cry, we tend to produce the tears naturally and these tears are developed within the eye and come out from it. This is a natural lubrication process for the eye and this is no way problem, as the eyes would be more lubricant and the condition of dry eye would be reduced. So far it is safe enough in one dimension, however, there is one more dimension to consider and think of it.
Another dimension of crying is rubbing the eyes with the eyes, usually with the intension of wiping off the tears. When the eyes are rubbed with pressure, using the hands, it would impose risks to the eyes. When the eyes are rubbed, the risk is imposed to the flap within the eye. The risks can be of different forms and different levels and it may start from creation of small folds or wrinkles within the eye or in severe cases, the flap even can be displaced.
What Are the Affects?
In case there are any folds or wrinkles are created, the symptoms can be blurred or unclear hazy vision. On the other hand, if the flap is reduced, it may create some complications and symptom possible can be pain experienced within the eye.
What To Do When Symptoms Arise?
When you feel any different experience after crying, especially, after rubbing the eyes, the first action that should be taken is to consult your eye surgeon, who operated the eye. In case any issue or disturbance occurs with the eye, the doctor would discover it, when the eyes are checked under the slit lamp.
When any wrinkles, displacement or any other kind of disturbances occur, the eye surgeon has to treat it, by performing certain corrections. With the advancement of technology, the severity of these issues is less and correction would be easier. So, don’t worry about crying, but the most important thing is that you should not rub the eyes or create any kind of pressure, not only while crying, but also with any other kind of activity.